Monday, 17 January 2011

The Break Up

After finished all my exams on today, I have chosen to watch a movie to refresh myself a bit. "The Break Up"....obviously it is a movie about breaking up a relationship of a couple. Yea....That's what the movie really showing us about....As this movie actually has a deeper meaning somehow on a different perspective. This movie has shown us the very common problems of many couples of the real life. Perhaps, this would be the best movie to watch at the moment when anyone who are having the idea of breaking up their relationship. I believe you would be inspired some way by this movie.

Most important of all, I think this would be a very meaningful movie to the one who are having the idea of breaking up their relationship.

In fact, having some fights are always the normal phenomenon in a relationship. Some couples may find that "breaking up" would be the solution of the problems. Though "breaking up" are always not what they want indeed, the matter of the face maybe the most possible reason of their stubbornness.

P.S. Recommending movie for the moment whenever you may think of "breaking up" your relationship....

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