Sunday, 27 June 2010


No one can avoid the changes to be happened in one's life. However, lives are always being colored up by different kind of changes. Perhaps, life could be flat and boring if everything keeps the same all the time.

Life is always being amazed not because of how a person could get control of one's future, but how unpredictable can someone's future be.

Yes, it is so true that an unpredictable future can cause us feeling so unsecured. However, if we are meant to work hard enough and to enjoy the present, then I believe there is nothing much to be worried.

More importantly, if a person can be confident enough to view every change as a better change, then I believe changes are not meant to be unsecured anymore. Since we know every change can only get us to be better.

Moreover, changes can only be appreciated if the consequences are meant to be affordable in someone's life. Therefore, we should be aware for the consequences before we are going to accept the up coming changes to be happened in our lives. Since we are the only person who can take responsibility for our own lives.

More or less, I am pretty happy with all the changes of my life at the moment. Maybe I am only happy with whatever changes could have happened in my life, because I am being over optimistic. Anyway, I love changes and I love the challenges which are given by all the changes in my life. Hahahahaha..... I think this way thinking is abit too incense and not easily adopted by the whatever .... I don't care....because this me.... And I am unique..... That's why I am called Monique...... Hahahahahahha..... What crazy girl I am......

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