Thanks for your efforts to help me letting go all the feelings. Thanks for giving me this chance to give up. Thanks for letting me to realize all the facts I should have realized before. Thanks for giving this chance to lose my feeling towards this love. I have felt a lot then before. I can feel my wound is really healing. I am not trying to forget anyway....I just can't remember anything feeling between us......Perhaps the chemistry reaction between us has been losing over these days.....Now I know that there isn't anything called forever in the world.....Since I have already been hurt enough, and I can never find any reason for myself to support my love towards you....If you would blame how I have changed since then, so please reconsider all your actions to me......I am not the one who have changed.....In fact, you are the one who has changed since you have found everything possible reason to blame everything on me.......
I believe you have never truly fall in love with anyone in your.....and I believe you have never realized how to love a person......I will never expect anything can happen between us.....since I have already seen you gone so far from me......I will not blame you for start from now on, I am not going to go further on this relationship any more......I am not even hoping our relationship or friendship can ever recover when time goes by.........I am just waiting for my sorrow to go....perhaps, during the time I will truly find the right one for me.....I am not sure whether I was the right one for you............however you have let me to realize that you are not the right one for me.......
Thank you so much......for letting me go.......thank you so much for letting me know you have never truly loved me............thank you so much for letting me know that you are just waiting a person to love you..........thank you so much for letting me realize how lucky am I when I have truly understood how to love a person......thank you so much for teaching me how to love someone unconditionally......thank you so much for giving this valuable lesson of my life......I am not going to find someone who can treat me better than you......I am just going to find someone I can love more than how much I have loved you...........thank you for disappointing me over these I can realize how much I have loved you doubt I love you so much.......still I believe I can love someone else more than how much I have loved you............
As I am now leaving from your life, I just want to make my last wish for you that you can be happy ever after..........and now its time for me to put away all the things that can remind me of you...........and now I can truly have a nice sleep at night....
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